Lovely letters & postcards for Maryam

All the lovely letters and postcards from all around the world sent to Maryam

Archive for the tag “Special”

#935 Postcard of University of the Philippines


A surprise and special postcard from Philippines, sent by Jose.

2013-08-31 Philippines a

The postcard features Quezon Hall in University of the Philippines (U.P.).

2013-08-31 Philippines b

At the back, Jose affixed two low value stamps and one commemorative stamp that celebrate the 100th anniversary of U.P. Alumni Association in 2013. The postmark date is 13 August 2013 and the location is U.P. Post Office. Thank you very much Jose for this special postcard!

#928 Diva Cliff Postcard from Crimea, Ukraine

Ukraine          Ukraine-Crimea

A postcard from Ukraine, sent by Svetlana for Vacation RR in postcrossing forum.

2013-08-26 Ukraine a

The postcard shows the Diva Cliff and Monk Rock in Simiez, Crimea, Ukraine. There is an interesting legend about the origins of the cliff and the rock.

2013-08-26 Ukraine b

At the back, Svetlana affixed two stamps, where one of the stamp also shows the Diva Cliff and Monk Rock. The postmark date is 31 July 2013 and the location is Alupka, Crimea, Ukraine. Thanks a lot Svetlana!


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